Nov 21, 2010

Sunday Update

Hello everyone! Well today's update is short. Grandma is about the same as yesterday. She is a million degrees today and just can't break her fevers. The medication isn't helping much today,but grandma still goes on without complaining. She is quite the example to us all. Today is Shelli's birthday so we are having a little celebration. Please no visitors today due to Grandma's condition and it being Shelli's happy day! Thank you for all your prayers and love. Talk to you  tomorrow!


  1. Happy Sunday to you guys! I'm sorry to hear that you have a fever, they are just miserable. Our cute Kimber Stastny taught the lesson in our Laurels class today and it was on being grateful for all that you have been given, an attitude of gratitude, etc. I couldn't help but think of you, Paula, throughout the lesson. You always seem to have a smile on your face, a wonderful attitude, and a positive outlook on life. You are just such an amazing example to me. And so are you, are just wonderful as well.
    I sure hope you get feeling better very soon. I feel terrible that you are sick.
    We are leaving town tomorrow for Thanksgiving and will keep checking the blog to see updates. Please have a wonderful holiday and I pray you get feeling better. We hope to get to see you again soon.
    We send all our love and continue to pray for you!
    We love you guys!!
    Alesha, Stephen, Tripp and Pax

  2. We all love you Paula and Dave. Christina is home for the Thanksgiving break and loved going through here and seeing all the pictures of you and your family...especially the smiley Dave one with his daughters. Happy Birthday Shelley. Love you all,
    The Stastnys

  3. Hi Paula and David and Shelli,
    I hope you had a happy birthday Shelli even though your mom and husband have been doing so poorly healthwise. Paula I love you so much and wish I were closer to Meridian so I could come and see you. I'm so glad that you and David raised such a wonderful family and that they are all close to you, what a blessing. I had my ladies group over for dinner last night and it was storming, but they all showed up. So after dinner we each take turns telling what has gone on the past month and a couple of them have children that aren't speaking to them, and one is dealing with her brother and sister after their mother's death and she is the executer and they both hate her for it. Anyway after going around the circle, we decided we should change the name of our "Circle of Friends" to "Desperate Grandmas". I am so glad to have the peace and contentment of having the gospel in my life. Heavenly Father holds us up and gives us the strength to make it through the worst of times.
    Did I tell you Don and I went to the Temple last week and had his parents sealed to each other. Even though they were not married in life, now they are and his twin sister is sealed to them. Next we will have him sealed, I forgot about it or could have done it that night. It was an incredible experience.
    Today we went to Jennifer's ward and she sang in the choir. Her daughter Autumn was there. Her dad only lets her go once a month and she is Catholic, but has gotten the highest young womens award and studies seminary on her own. When she is 18 she will be baptized against her dad's will. Afterward, Jennifer said she was watching us while up in the choir and thought if Autumn and I and Don were the only ones who make it to heaven, she would be very happy to have us all together. I was thinking the same while watching her sing, it was a happy moment. At least one out of 6 are living the gospel. I guess Shelli or David must be tired of my rambling now, so just remember how much I love you and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. BettyJo

  4. Hi Aunt Paula!
    I want you to know that I've been thinking about you a lot lately. With Thanksgiving coming up, I was reminded of one of my earliest memories of you. It was Thanksgiving and at our house. I don't remember much about it, but I do remember my parents making me eat cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes with my dinner. I still HATE both of those, but I was really upset that I had to eat it anyway. You told me that if I eat the yucky stuff first I can get to the good stuff and enjoy that for the rest of the meal. I know it seems like a small thing, but I really loved you for that! It was excellent advice that I still use to this day. Do what you don't want to do first, get it out of the way and then enjoy yourself.
    You're in our thoughts and prayers. We love you more than you know.

  5. Paula, my mom has asked me to check on you via this blog and keep her updated on how you are doing. (She doesn't have a computer) She thinks of you often and prays for you daily. She loves you so much and has always valued your friendship deeply. She said she has made you some English Tofee. (I guess you talked about this the other day.) She realizes that you might not be able to enjoy it at this time but thought that your family might. If Susan could call my mom at 484-3856 and let her know the best way to deliver it she would appreciate it. Sending our love....Judy Vaughn and Cheri Spjute
