Nov 15, 2010

Monday Update

Grandma slept last night but was up at 3am. She is sitting in her chair and is in a pretty light blue sweater.  Nurse Tracy came today! Grandma LOVES her! I'm pretty sure she is an angel! Nurse Tracy checked grandma's O2 levels again today...and after having O2 this morning her levels were still low! :( She will use oxygen again this morning. Grandma's hands are almost back to her normal size! yay! They hydrated her so much at the hospital I swear it all went to her hands! She is very happy to have them less swollen! Grandma's voice is very very weak today and still can't swallow well. Grandma has taken all her meds again and hopefully we can stay on top of the pain. I was with grandma and grandpa this morning. Susan and Shelli are with them this after. Grandpa is pretty tired today since he was up at 3am with grandma so hopefully he can rest this afternoon. Thank you all for your love and concern. Grandma says she loves you ALL! Keep the comments coming she loves them!


  1. Paula, I'm glad your hands are getting back to normal. You both get your rest. I love you both so much and am so grateful to be your visiting teacher. You have helped me more in my life than I have done for you. Thank you for your good example.

  2. This 3 a.m. rising has got to stop! David, you have a very capable and loving family to help you. In addition to them, I'd be glad to sit with Paula while you rest or run errands. Please call me when I can help.

  3. Paula you looked so beautiful today and I am so happy to hear you say you are anxious to get well. We have been planning to come and visit you as a Laurel class for several months and commitments keep making us push it back...we will see how you are feeling and if we can make it happen. You are so strong and amazing.
    I would also be more than happy to come and sit at any time. I love being there. Please call if we can help.
    Tripp hasn't stopped talking about you both all day...he had been begging for a week to see you. Stephen also sends his love and is sorry he was unable to come today. Thank you for the example you are to my family. We love you both.
