Nov 23, 2010

Tuesday Update

There is a right way and a wrong way to do things, and mom always does things the right way.    Last night, after receiving a blessing she said that she would do what she was supposed to do.   Shortly thereafter, she told all of us that she loves us and asked dad to put her in her bed.     As the night went on, her breathing became weaker and weaker.   With dad by her side, and her children resting in the front room, she returned to her Father in Heaven as snow softly settled on the ground outside.   
Yesterday mom wanted Susan and Shelli to help her stand, and today she is running.   She didn’t want to take any more medicine and now she doesn’t have to.   She didn’t want to have any more pain, and today she pain free.   She wanted everyone to know just how much she loved them.  
In the coming weeks, finance experts will be perplexed as they see the stock prices for Kleenex and Hallmark plummet.   Those of us that know mom will understand. 
We are very grateful to the many kind friends that brought meals.   Unfortunately we don’t recall what belongs to whom, so please help us identify your items.
We are very grateful for all the kind words and many, many prayers on mom’s behalf.   We will do all we can to strengthen and help dad in this difficult and bittersweet time.    For those that may wonder what you can do to help, keep doing what you’ve been doing. 
We are working on funeral plans, so stay tuned to the blog.  
(written by Steven Hansen)


  1. My thoughts and prayers go out to each of you at this time. I will always and forever love Paula and I truly feel blessed to have had the blessing of her in my life. She has always been an angel to me and knowing now that she is free of her pain and restrictions that her physical body has presented to her is a true blessing. Know that I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I will look for information on the funeral. Love to each of you!

  2. Steve, what a beautiful tribute and notice of your mom's passing. She has loved the things you have written, and I'm sure she is pleased with this one. I, too, am glad to know she is free of pain; but I know she didn't want to leave her family!

    I cannot express the loss I feel. My heart breaks for you, David. Spregg and I will pray for your comfort and to know how we can ease your pain.


  3. I can never express in words how much Paula has meant to me. Being assigned as her visiting teacher for this past year has been heavenly and taught me about true love (for that's what I felt whenever I was in Paula's presence). I love her so much and my prayers are with you Dave, and all the rest of the family too. Thanks for letting me in your home this year and get to know you both. It has been wonderful.

  4. I can only think of Paula, out of the bed, out of the chair, feeling her legs, standing tall, skipping, maybe dancing. She deserves that for all the sacrifices she had to make in her tenure on earth.
    I know she will stay close to David, to help him, to comfort him through tears and the feeling of "What in the heck do I do now?" David, When the tears or loneliness get to be too much, shovel a widow's walk. It drives the tears away. Go to an activity with a grandchild, you have freedom to do that now. Share yourself with others, they need it too. The temple and genealogical needs are more available to you now. Visualize Paula saying," This is what I'm doing today, what are you doing David?" She'll walk along a parallel path with you, yours is the tough part now. Oh, it was before? Yes, it was. Just like Job, all will be made up to you Superman. Heck I can't call you that anymore. You have to re earn the title now. Yo can keep it for a few days longer.
    Our prayers are with you, as you move forward with faith. Mark knows what you are feeling.

    Our fondest regards.

    Angela and Mark.

  5. A lot of comfort can come from this thought. We put it on Jerry's headstone.

    "There is peace in knowing love goes on forever"

  6. Steve, beautifully put. There is a wonderful reunion going on right now. I know that mom, grandma, and George are so happy to have her with them. I am grateful that she is no longer suffering. My love and prayers go to all of you. I know how hard this is, and I will be thinking of you lots in the days to come.

  7. What a beautifly written gift for you mom...thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

  8. Shauna and Verl WadleyNovember 24, 2010 at 9:19 AM

    What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Verl and I want to express to you, David, and your wonderful family our sincere sorrow for your loss, but also our extreme gratitude for the privilege of knowing Paula and the inspiration she was to both of us. There was never a time when we came to visit her and you that she didn't manage to point the conversation to "how are you doing?" and "how is your family?" NEVER concerned about herself. Oh, we can only imagine her joy and robust activity now! Free from all the pain and suffering, ready to continue her valiant walk thru eternity. She will be the brightest candle to light the way for the rest of your family to follow. Verl and I heard a saying the other night, David, that we wanted to pass on to you in hopes it will maybe serve as a gentle reminder of just what is truly important in this life and how it relates to Paula. It goes like this..."write your trials in the sand, carve your blessings in the stone." As we think of dear, sweet Paula...yes, there were definitely trials written in the sand, but...oh...the blessings to be carved in stone for having such a sweet, spiritual and loving companion to go through this mortality with! One who waits on the other side to welcome you with open arms. We pray that with the Lord's help, the trials written in the sand which you have endured may fade away in time, and the many blessings of having Paula for your eternal companion and the joy you will both share as you are reunited once again will forever be yours...eternal blessings carved in stone for both of you to share. We love you and Paula so, David, and pray Heavenly Father will comfort you and your sweet family at this difficult time.

    Verl and Shauna Wadley

  9. I feel so blessed to have known Paula!! Visiting with her lifted my spirits, lightened my load and strengthened my resolve to do better. ...."I believe there are angels among us..." Now there's one less..

    My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    Annette Tovey
