Nov 25, 2010

Funeral Address

There are a lot of you confused as to which address is correct for the funeral. The newspaper messed up the address and when the obituary was supposed to be run!  6575 S. Eagle Road, Meridian Id, 83642 is the correct place. It is our stake center. I'm sooooooo sorry for the confusion. Please let people know that don't follow the blog that the Eagle Road address is correct, it should be fixed for the Sunday and Monday papers. Thank you all for your lovely words of comfort, delicious food, cards, flowers, and prayers at this hard and trying time in my family's lives! They are ALL greatly appreciated and we all can't thank you enough.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Becky LeDuc. My mother is Peggy Barton Wilson. I just wanted you to know that we always grew up hearing stories from my mother about your sweet mother. I can remember canning peaches and playing under the counter with my barbies while my older sisters talked to my mom about boy troubles and college and lots of girl things and my mom would tell story after story about her and your mother. She was a beautiful woman on the inside and out and I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave my mother such a wonderful woman as a best friend. Many condolences to you at this time.
